
Easy Nut-Free Paleo Fudge (Vegan Too!)

This paleo and vegan fudge is the real deal! Ultra chocolaty, rich, creamy and a little chewy. It’s everything fudge should be! It’s also completely free of dairy, nuts, and gluten and is about to become your new favorite treat!


9 oz enjoy life semi-sweet chocolate chips

1/3 c maple syrup

1/4 c refined coconut oil

2 Tbs arrowroot starch

1 tsp vanilla extract

pinch of sea salt


  1. Melt the coconut oil and chocolate chips in a medium bowl over a double boiler or in the microwave. Stir frequently until completely melted and smooth.
  2. Add the maple syrup, vanilla and arrowroot starch, continue stirring the fudge mixture until all the ingredients are combined.
  3. Pour the fudge mixture into a parchment paper lined loaf pan and place the pan to chill in the refrigerator for 1-2 hours.
  4. When the fudge is set, remove from the pan and slice into even squares.
  5. Serve at room temperature and enjoy. 


  1. For silky smooth fudge, melt the chocolate slowly, stirring frequently to prevent it from burning and becoming lumpy. 
  2. Grease your loaf pan with coconut oil before lining with parchment paper. This will help the parchment paper lay flat, allowing for cleaner edges. 
  3. If you don’t have a double broiler, simply place a heat safe bowl over a small saucepan filled with 1-2 inches of water and bring to a simmer. 

Keywords: paleo fudge, vegan fudge, nut-free